HAHR Forum: The Origins of Capitalism in Mexico

En  http://hahr.history.duke.edu/en/onlinecommunity/forum1


Curated by Amanda Peralta and Vanessa Freije, Duke University



Welcome to the HAHR forum on the Origins of Capitalism in Mexico. Please take a moment to read the introduction to the forum, based around John Tutino's book Making a New World: Founding Capitalism in the Bajío and Spanish North America and Eric Van Young’s review of it. Next you'll find our discussion forum hosted by Proboards where you can add to the discussion of this fascinating topic. A link to the instructions for posting is here.

HAHR Forum: The Origins of Capitalism in Mexico

Curated by Amanda Peralta and Vanessa Freije, Duke University

Capitalism is back in the news and its return to the Latin American history field is demonstrated by the 2012 award of the Bolton-Johnson prize of the Conference on Latin American History to John Tutino’s magnum opus, Making a New World: Founding Capitalism in the Bajío and Spanish North America. Intended to spark debate with its bold claims, this volume is an apt focal point for exchange as historians of Latin America discuss if and how the concept of capitalism can fruitfully deepen our understanding of the dynamism of Latin American societies since the early modern period. Returning to a subject that was much debated in the 1970s, we open this public forum with the review of Making a New World by historian Eric Van Young, forthcoming in HAHR 93:2 (read his review HERE.) We have arranged for seasoned scholars as well as participants in Jocelyn Olcott’s graduate seminar on Mexican history to participate in this forum, and we invite readers to comment on the book, the review, and the forum discussion itself.
Pete Sigal, Jocelyn Olcott, and John D. French
Senior Editors

Click for Instructions for Posting on the Forum.

Please feel free either to create a new thread (in the General Responses section) and/or to comment on any existing threads in the general commentary or the commentary emanating from the History of Mexico Seminar. Thank you for your participation!


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